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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-18 04:05:39

vicente.botet wrote:
> Hello,
> IMO we need to armonize the threads and interprocess synchronization
> interfaces.
> I don't know where these types and variables could be, but we need that both
> libraries use the same type and variable.

That would interesting. This situation was caused because Interprocess
was accepted after Boost.Thread was. Interprocess followed Howard
Hinnant's thread proposal, so I couldn't reuse boost::scoped_lock,
etc... Now that Boost.Thread follows the standard C++ thread library
(which is heavily based on Howard's first proposal) it would be
interesting to merge both.

One of the problems of Boost.Thread reuse was that Boost.Thread required
multithreading support (looking _REENTRANT or _MT defines) and in some
systems that's not necessary since we can build a single threaded,
process-shared system.

I think this could be a good issue for Boost 1.36. Boost.Interprocess
should start reusing available Boost.Thread resources (adapting them if
necessary). Any thoughts on this Anthony?



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