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From: Federico J. Fernández (federico.fernandez_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-22 14:24:48

Hi List!

My name is Federico J. Fernandez, and I'm a student from Buenos Aires
University, Argentina.

I've been working on some GIS projects, including a lot of geometry
(using GDAL, CGAL, GEOS, proj4) and I also want to participate this
year in Google Summer of Code.

I'll try to be short. As I knew that there were some work started on
this direction, I searched trough the list archives and I contacted
Barend Gehrels to offer my collaboration in the project.

We exchanged some mails and then we tried to contact people in order
to find a possible mentor for the project (or at least someone to ask
some questions). As we didn't have luck (we didn't receive any answer)
we are trying now by the list.

Is somebody interested on this as a possible mentor? I think that
Barend cannot be mentor because he isn't a boost library author yet,
but surely he could guide me through the project.

My collaboration in the library will be mostly in the spatial indexing
area (k-d-trees, quadtree, etc) and coordinate projection. If we have
time maybe we could tackle some geometric algorithms.



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