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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-26 06:03:55

Milan Rusev wrote:
> "John Maddock" <john_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Um have you seen:
>> ?
> Ah, I hadn't seen it indeed, sorry. Seems like MPL is being developed
> too:
> I'll give it another try (this time I checked the docs more
> thoroughly :)). While I was thinking about the library I thought it
> would be good to have a general set of algorithms for dealing with real
> functions.
> So I thought about numerically computing some popular functionals:
> get_derivative(Fun f);
> get_integral(Fun f);
> get_definite_integral(Fun f, T a, T b);
> get_function(samples); // e.g. interpolation with a
> polynomial/splines/... get_polynomial_approximation(Fun f);
> and transforms: FFT, wavelet transform, etc.
> Fun could be anything with T operator()(T x):
> get_integral(_1*_1+_1)(x);

All good ideas, but I'd encourage you to concentrate on one field and make a
really good proposal based on that. For example a good numeric quaderature
/ ODE solver library would probably fill a summers work, likewise the other
ideas, if you have time to do them all then great, but it's generally better
to submit a tightly focused proposal with a clear vision of than a larger
ragbag of ideas.

HTH and good luck! John.

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