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From: Bjørn Roald (bjorn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-04-24 13:48:17

Vladimir Prus skrev:

> Classes that
> are in the public API, regardless of whether the actual implementation
> is defined inline, or compiled in a separate object file, should not
> change their layout in point releases, in my opinion.

So the layout of those classes in 1 point 35 should be the same as in 1
point 31 in your opinion, we have to wait for boost 2.0 ;-) Sorry,
could not resist.

If releases become frequent, say every 3 months, maybe full two-dotted
releases make less sence than before. Critical fixes for specific
platforms may be better handled by a published set of hot fix patches.
Les critical issuses can wait until next one-dotted release.


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