Boost : |
From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-03 14:43:16
1. Why doesn't --build-type=complete work when invoked from a library build
I needed to build libboost_serialization-vc71-mt-sgd.lib yesterday and went
through quite a few attempts to get the options right (from within the
serialization build directory). I see now that it would've been easier to
use --with-serialization from the top level, but why doesn't the "intuitive"
way work as expected?
2. Why doesn't runtime-link=static work for a test? I'm getting:
Skipping build of: libs/smart_ptr/test/shared_ptr_test <build>no in common
when invoking for example
C:\boost\trunk>bjam runtime-link=static libs/smart_ptr/test//shared_ptr_test
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