Boost : |
From: Phil Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-05-15 06:29:27
I was investigating a library called Nedmalloc which seems to offer exactly
the functionality I was looking for. It's a local heap allocator, very
flexible, clean, but most importantly portable. I have added the
nedmalloc.h, nedmalloc.c and malloc.c.h in my sandbox under boost/detail and
The dedicated example tlh_pool_test1.cpp works in Windows but I haven't
included the interface into the new tlh_pool.hpp file yet. Furthermore
if_from() will need to be implemented because Nedmalloc doesn't offer some
lookup over the list of segments to match a pointer to. There is a function
called segment_holding() that will need to be wrapped by some
Any pool gurus are welcome to criticize Nedmalloc or anything else before I
use it.
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