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From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-24 17:02:37

Bradford, Chase wrote:

> int main()
> {
> typedef basic_soa<std::string, boost::variant<int, float> > MySoa;
> MySoa s;
> // Make internal vectors hold 100 elements.
> s.resize(100);
> // Create a fields named x and y. This sort of makes the object a
> // container of 2D points.
> s.add_field<float>("x");
> s.add_field<float>("y");
> fill( s.field<float>("x").begin(), s.field<float>("x").end(), rand);
> fill( s.field<float>("y").begin(), s.field<float>("y").end(), rand);

If I understand your example correctly, it's quite similar to a
std::(unordered_)map<Key, std::vector<Value> >.

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