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From: Noah Roberts (roberts.noah_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-30 20:10:24

"Class basic_directory_iterator is an important component of the
library. It provides an input iterator over the contents of a directory,
with the value type being class basic_path."

That seems to be correct.

"The expression itr->path().leaf() == file_name, in the line commented
// see below, calls the leaf() function on the path returned by calling
the path() function of the directory_entry object pointed to by the

But that claims the object pointed to the iterator is something other
than basic_path and appears to be quite in error. itr->path() fails to

Documentation is same for both 1.34 and 1.35 - tested on 1.34.

This appears in both the front page and the docs for directory iterator.
  The find_file function doesn't actually compile if copied verbatim.
Need to remove all calls to path() on the iter and replace with "*itr".

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