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From: Martin Vuille (martin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-08-04 15:36:42

The formal review for Andrey Semashev's Finite State Machines (FSM)
library is scheduled for August 11th to 20th.

Quoting from the documentation:

"The main goals of the library are:

* Simplicity. It should be very simple to create state machine
  using this library.
* Performance. The state machine infrastructure should not be very
  time and memory-consuming in order to be applicable in more use
* Extensibility. A developer may want to add more states to the
  existing state machine, and this addition should be relatively
  safe since it shouldn't interfere with the existing states. The
  developer should also be able to specify additional transitions
  and events for the machine with minimum modifications to the
  existing code."

"The following compilers are known to have problems or most likely
will have ones:

* Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and 7.0. Most probably will fail to
  compile due to lack of partial template specialization support.
* Borland C++ Builder 5.5.1 (free version). Fails to compile due
  to lack of partial template specialization and in-class using
  declarations support. Some other minor problems also have been
  noticed. Newer versions of the compiler have not been tested.
* OpenWatcom 1.5. Fails to compile due to problems with Boost.MPL
  code. Newer versions of the compiler have not been tested.
* SunPro C++ Compiler 5.5 for Solaris (SPARC). Most likely will
  show problems with function overload resolution. Newer versions
  of the compiler have not been tested."

The current submission is available from the sandbox vault at (or
if you prefer.)


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