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From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-08-22 10:50:55

Darryl Green wrote:

> The code is clear, but I do wonder at the necessity of some of the low
> level "hacks" used to implement the state "container" used. Could a
> fusion set not have done the same job?

No, AFAIK, Boost.Fusion does not inherit the container from the stored
types. Besides, there was no Fusion when I wrote the library.

>> I also made a quick C++ parser on this library to
>> markup the code samples I used in the library docs. The latter, indeed,
>> was just a toy.
> It sounds like an interesting toy. Is the code available?

Nothing really special. Just quickly made tool to do the job. The code
is attached.

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