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Subject: [boost] [threadpool] mixture of recursive invokation and fibers?
From: Oliver Kowalke (k-oli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-05 01:58:56
Using fibers in the threadpool in order to enable fork/join comes with some difficulties.
My idea is to use recursive sub-task invokation as default and fiber only in some special cases.
1.) parent-task locks a mutex and sub-task has also to lock the mutex -> using recursive_mutex
2.) sub-task waits for signal of parent-task (condition variable) the recursive invokation of sub-task do not work. In this case I would suggest that the sub-task should be executed in a fiber.
task< R >::get() - does recursive invokation of sub-task
task< R >::get( new_context() ) - does execute the sub-task in a new fiber
What do you think about this?
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