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Subject: Re: [boost] [Review] UUID library (mini-)review starts today, November 23rd
From: Johannes Brunen (JBrunen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-02 05:12:42

Here goes my little review:

- What is your evaluation of the design?

I like the overall design of the library. However, I think that the library
should be better templatized by the string class and
document the string concept it uses. This would allow users of the library
to switch to another string class implementation
compatible with the used string concept (std::string). For convenience it
could provide a typedef for the std::string class.

IMHO, the library would be more useful if it provides an interface for
generating uuids with different technologies:
    - random number generator
    - time based, MAC
    - OS
Different use cases may have different constraints a generator must
fullfill. To be useful the library should document
the differences between the generators. It should especially doucument the
guarantees that the different generators
provide (security, speed, memory consumption, ...).

That said, I do not think that the library should be rejected for missing of
actual generators. It should solely provide
an interface which allows later contributers to add new uuid generators. I
would however, appreciate at least the
OS generator case.

- What is your evaluation of the implementation?

Clean and readable. I'm fine with it.

- What is your evaluation of the documentation?

I think that it should give a little more background about the generator
algorithm it uses. Additionally, given that
there are different generators provided, I would like to see a comparsion in
the performance and security domain.

- What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?

This is (at least for me) a must have library. Boost should have such a
It is an usefull library in the form it exists today.

- Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any

I'm using the library already in our CAD application. It works fine for us.
We use the MS vc9 sp1 compiler.
Currently, we do not have any problems with the library.

- How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick
reading? In-depth study?

Some time.

- Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?

Hmm, no not really. I'm a user and I do need such a component with a simple,
stable interface.

I vote Yes, to include the UUID library in Boost.


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