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Subject: Re: [boost] XML Digester
From: Themis Vassiliadis (tvassiliadis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-01-06 09:16:21

Many libraries for many languages read XML configuration files. There
are several ways of doind this, and the XML Digester library was
designed to provide a common implementation that can be used in many
different projects.

The main purpose is to provide an easy and friendly tool, that allow
developers to parse XML structures into objects by just mapping tags.
To do so, the developer only must know the path (of TAG) information
is stored.

There is nothing to do with serialization because the purpose is just
a XML reader focused on mapped tags.

A common mistake is to think in Digester as a nonflexible way to read
XML, lets just suppose that you have an
Application like DBDesign (A mysql tool for Database model) that store
its configuration in XML, and read different configurations provided
by thirds.
The structure of these XMLs might be different and in this case you
will find hard to develop a code to read these XMLs (some tags can be
ommited or added modifying the original structure). You might need
something flexible to read any structure that can be provided and can
even validate it, and when you reach this point, you will find that
Digester can do it easily with just a couple of lines.

Spirit is widely applicable for several things and XML Digester is
just for read XML Files speedily and easily with less memory usage.

Themis Vassiliadis
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Phil Endecott
<spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Themis Vassiliadis wrote:
>> I'm finishing a preliminary version of a class with similar behavior
>> like Java Digester.
>> In this class the developer defines triggers witch will be fired when
>> specific tags are found from XML file.
>> Let me explain better with an example:
>> A simple approach will be to use the following Digester in the
>> following way to set up the parsing rules, and then process an input
>> file containing this document:
>>        digester = new
>> boost::xml_digester::xml_digester((std::istream*)&st);
>>        digester->setValidating( false );
>>        digester->addObjectCreate<classFoo>("foo");
>>        digester->addObjectCreate<classBar>("foo/bar");
>>        digester->addCallMethod<classBar>("foo/bar/prop1",
>> &classBar::setProp1);
>>        digester->addSetProperty<classBar>("foo/bar/prop2",
>> &classBar::prop2);
>>        digester->addSetNext<classFoo>("foo/bar", &classFoo::addBar);
>>        digester->parse();
>>        ....
>>       class classBar {
>>           std::string prop1;
>>       public:
>>           std::string prop2;
>>           void setProp1(std::string value) {
>>               prop1 = value;
>>           }
>>       };
>>       class classFoo {
>>           std::vector<classBar*>obj_bars;
>>       public:
>>           void addBar(void *instance) {
>>                obj_bars.push_back((classBar*)instance);
>>           }
>>       };
>> XML:
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
>> <foo>
>>        <bar>
>>                <prop1>xxxxxx</prop1>
>>                <prop2>yyyyyy</prop2>
>>        </bar>
>>        <bar>
>>                <prop1>zzzzzz</prop1>
>>                <prop2>kkkkkk</prop2>
>>        </bar>
>> </foo>
> Hi Themis,
> Here is approximately how I would do that using RapidXML:
> xml_document<char> doc;
> // (I'll skip the file access stuff.  I tend to use mmap().  That just
> // complicates things here.)
> for (xml_node<char> foo_node = doc.first_node("foo");
>     foo_node; foo_node = foo_node->next_sibling("foo")) {
>  classFoo foo;
>  for (xml_node<char> bar_node = foo_node.first_node("bar");
>       bar_node; bar_node = bar_node->next_sibling("bar")) {
>    classBar* bar_p = new classBar;
>    xml_node<char> prop1_node = bar_node->first_node("prop1");
>    if (prop1_node) {
>      bar_p->setProp1(prop1_node.value());
>    }
>    xml_node<char> prop2_node = bar_node->first_node("prop2");
>    if (prop2_node) {
>      bar_p->prop2 = prop2_node.value();
>    }
>    foo.addBar(bar_p);
>  }
> }
> It's true that your code is more concise, but it's not *much* more concise;
> on the other hand, it's another layer of stuff to learn and it is inevitably
> less flexible than doing it "by hand".
> Perhaps the problem is that your example is too trivial to demonstrate the
> real advantage of the approach.
> I think that it would be worth investigating how Spirit or something
> spirit-like could be applied to this problem (PSEUDO-CODE):
> rule_t prop1 = element("prop1");
> rule_t prop2 = element("prop2");
> rule_t bar = element("bar")(*(prop1|prop2));
> rule_t foo = element("foo")(*bar);
> rule_t doc = *foo;
> doc.parse(input);
> That's missing the semantic actions, which I have always considered Spirit's
> weak point; I believe Spirit2 does better but I haven't investigated.
> Perhaps a domain-specific-language for writing DTDs is possible?
> Cheers,  Phil.
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