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Subject: Re: [boost] [soc_mentors2008] Now Accepting Mentor Applications for Google Summer of Code 2009
From: troy d. straszheim (troy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-12 15:22:21

Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>> Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>>> Sure, will help. Just put me in either as the main admin (link id:
>> hkaiser)
>>> or as the backup administrator. Whatever fits your intend is fine
>> with me. I
>>> started to write up some blurb on my own, which might add a bit here
>> or
>>> there. How do you think we should proceed?
>> Here's the link:
>> I just pasted stuff in from the '08 application that Stjepan found.
>> You
>> are the backup administrator, you should be able to get in there and
>> add
>> your edits (there are some blank bits with 'todo' in them, have a
>> look).
>> Let me know if that works.
> Hmmm, I'm getting an error: 'This entity does not belong to you.'
> Regards Hartmut

Sorry about that. The nice folks on the gsoc irc channel just informed
me that the backup admin isn't supposed to be able to edit the Org App.
  So if you like you can just send me the edits...


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