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Subject: Re: [boost] [GSOC] Regarding the project Boost.DeVector
From: Satyam Shekhar (satyamshekhar_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-22 10:58:45
Hi Eugene,
> You probably do not need to "assume a dynamic array
> implementation which grows on both the sides" since you are going to
> implement the container, thus you can choose whatever implementation you
> want so long as you can appropriately specify the interface and
> requirements.
Thanks for clarifying that. Since we can use any implementation for
this, (which satisfies the requirements and an appropriate interface
of course), I suggest using a dynamic array which grows on both sides.
With this implementation, we could easily provide a function like
reserve(x,y) which reserves x units of memory in the front and y units
at the back. I would like to request your and other boost
developers/users feedback on this approach.
Also, with a list of blocks approach, wouldn't it be rather difficult
to provide amortized O(1) random access?
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