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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc] Interest check for 3d geometry proposal
From: Fernando Cacciola (fernando.cacciola_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-27 12:53:36
Hi joel,
> Le Ven 27 mars 2009 03:00, Fernando Cacciola a écrit :
>> To
> measure the convenience of using the GPU against the slow down of the
>> bus bottleneck depends on what you offload to the GPU.
> The OP want to offoad 4 element vector operation ont he GPU, one at a
> time ...
Where do you get this idea? I couldn't find anything in this thread implying
that this is what the OP wants.
> It doesn't requir emuch more analysis to see it'll fail.
Of course... that would be silly.
> Offloading a few 1x4 vector multiply won't cut it
Yet I don't think this was the idea behind considering GPGPU in the conext of
this proposal.
-- Fernando Cacciola SciSoft Consulting, Founder http://www.scisoft-consulting.com
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