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Subject: Re: [boost] link=shared and runtime-link=static
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-13 17:40:27

David Deakins wrote:

> Vladimir Prus wrote:
>>>> ? Options are:
>>>> 1. This variant is built.
>>>> 2. This variant is built, a huge warning is printed.
>>>> 3. Error is emitted, user can pass --yes-I-know-what-I'm-doing to build
>>>> 4. Error is emitted.
>> Ok. Given that such property combination resulted in target been skipped
>> for quite some time, and no complains arises, I've now added an explicit
>> error message.
> This change seems to have broken our VeecoFTC regression tests on the
> trunk (MSVC 9 with STLport 5.2). I am now getting the following message
> on every test cycle:
> error: link=static together with runtime=link is not allowed
> error: such property combination is either impossible
> error: or too dangerous to be of any use

Thanks for providing me, offlist, with the necessary logs. This happens
to be preexisting problem -- if you look at iostream testresults from
you, you will find none. The reason is that iostream's Jamfile had this:

 29195 turkanis <toolset>msvc,<stdlib>stlport:<link-runtime>static

This requirement was there since the beginning. I've removed it -- we'll
see how the test result will look.

There's a chance that some other libraries does the same, if so, I'll need
debug output again.


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