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Subject: Re: [boost] Second call: The Boost Bug Sprint is coming!!
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-29 15:32:09

On 05/26/09 08:10, Marshall Clow wrote:
> The boost bug sprint is coming! It starts _this_ Friday, May 28th, and
> runs through Sunday June 7th.
> The goal is to address a large number of open bugs/patches/feature
> requests in the Trac system at <>.
> There are currently 791 open tickets; we'd like to knock that number
> down _a lot_.
> What can you do?
> 2) You can characterize bugs.
> * You can attempt to replicate the bug on your system(s), and attach
> information that you discover to the Trac ticket.

I'll participate. However, I just tried to add a test case
for my system to:

When I tried to login, it wouldn't accept my userid or password.
I remember using them not too long ago for:

Anyhow, tha attached code produces the following output:

/home/evansl/download/gcc/4.4-20090519/install/bin/g++ -c -Wall
-ftemplate-depth-100 -O0 -fno-inline
-I/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/boost-trunk -DTEMPLATE_DEPTH=100
-MMD -o



So, at least for my system:

uname -a
Linux evansl-desktop 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 15:11:35 UTC
2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux

there's no problem.

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