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Subject: [boost] [date_time] [#1861] Change for the default duration format
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-05-31 08:31:42


There's a Boost.DateTime ticket:

The initial problem was that the default handling of the %H format specifier
(passing it to strftime) played badly with time durations that could be longer
than 24 hours. The resolution was to provide additional %O format specifier
that does not have 24 hour restriction.

However the original poster proposes to change the default format of time
durations from %H:%M:%S%F to %O:%M:%S%F so that formatted durations are always
allowed to be longer than 24 hours. I mostly agree with this change, however
it is clearly a breaking change that can affect error checking in some cases.
What do the community and the maintainer (Jeff?) in particular think about

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