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Subject: Re: [boost] Unicode: what kind of binary compatibility do we want?
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-02 12:21:55
Stewart, Robert wrote:
> I don't know the implications of this, but I generally dislike the idea of a silent fallback. I'd prefer to see two interfaces: one throws an exception on out of range values and one that accepts a default value to return in those cases.
If the character has some new property value it means it had the default
property value (which isn't really a property, it's more like a "other"
or "any") in the previous versions, I'm fairly sure Unicode guarantees this.
> It might be useful to determine compatibility when the library starts, perhaps via an initialization call, and use the Strategy Pattern to determine the implementation. (When compatible, a property's accesses are unchecked. When incompatible, the property's accesses are checked.)
That would mean virtual function call overhead, which should be higher
than a simple branching in an inlined function.
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