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Subject: [boost] SafeInt code proposal
From: Omer Katz (omerktz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-06-20 18:26:20

A friend and I have started working on a SafeInt library which we hope will
be included in Boost

the library is composed of a template class, which excepts existing integer
types as a parameter, and an exception class.
not all operators have been implemented and there is still work to be done
on the library, but we have reached a stage in which at least the basic
operators are ready and tested.

I've attached to this thread a zip file containing the code for the library
and a tester we wrote (as an example for how the class should be used)
I've also uploaded it to the boost vault.

We would appreciate it if you took the time to review our code and give us
your comments, tips and opinions (either as a reply to this thread or by
email - omerktz_at_[hidden])

Omer Katz and Zil Levi

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