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Subject: Re: [boost] [xpressive] Performance Tuning?
From: Edward Grace (ej.grace_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-07-23 10:22:47


Dear David,

>> I've had to rip out parts that used my home brew striding_iterator
>> since there's no way to avoid dereferencing one past the end of the
>> end.
> A correct strided_iterator is enclosed.

I note the following from your documentation of Boost.Iterator

   "Writing standard-conforming iterators is tricky, but the need
comes up often.".

A clear penchant for understatement I see. ;-)

It worries me slightly that subtleties of undefined behaviour in
pointer arithmetic could easily go unnoticed. My unscientific poll
of people around here turned up zero correct answers to the basic
problem; this is the Physics department though.

Thanks for that, I will read, cogitate, deliberate and digest!



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