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Subject: Re: [boost] different matrix library?
From: joel (joel.falcou_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-08-11 14:21:05

DE wrote:
> i'll run through that links
If mor eis needed, feel free to mail me in private ;)
> for now listen as i can see you are familiar to simd programming
among other ;)
> so when i researched the expression template based impementation of
> vector operations i tried to use sse2 though compiler intrinsics
> (since they are de facto portable)
> but i did not get any benefit for doubles
> ... i'm interested about what you can say on thi
For simpel operation you can't get more than 20 or 30% speedup an dmost
of the time you get none.
You can however speed up things like transendental or trigo functions by
2 or 3.

Search the archive for my extended SIMD performances chart using the
SIMD layer from NT2.

We also target multicore using openMP (rather trivial) and are starting
GPUs this year with a new post-doctoral grant.
SO I hope to get everythign working together to get some compelte,
be-all end-all matrix library out of that.

Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor
PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI
Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35

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