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Subject: [boost] [intrusive] rtti_base class proposition
From: Ireneusz Szpilewski (irek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-20 07:43:46


Here is my idea for this little class:

class rtti_base
     virtual void _dummy() {}

Every class deriving from rtti_base can be queried
by means of RTTI, in particular rtti_base class
and dynamic_cast can be used in similar way
as IUnknown and QueryInterface() in
COM Object Model

rtti_base* could be used as a "smart" void*
pointer - we can get type information,
and use it in heterogenic containers
as in:

 std::list<rtti_base*> beings;

we can iterate through beings and
call Cat::GiveMilk() for cats
but Girl::Kiss() for girls. :-)

The main purpose of this class is
to set some standard name for that
pointer type.

Ireneusz Szpilewski

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