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Subject: [boost] [mirror] C++0x version of the reflection library available
From: Matus Chochlik (chochlik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-21 11:41:16
Dear list,
I would like to announce that a new (alpha) version of the Mirror
reflection library, re-written nearly completely from scratch in C++0x,
is available at sourceforge.net
for those interested, the code can be checked out from the SF repository:
documentation pre-built with doxygen and DOT is available here:
Based on a year and a half of user experience with the previous version
(the one in Boost sandbox) there have been made several important
changes. Just to mention a few:
- The meta-objects should be more consistent with the base-level language
- There is a run-time layer with an run-time interface very similar to
the compile-time interface
- Meta-object categories for tag dispatching have been added
- "Local" names having parts of the nested name specifier stripped away
if the Mirror's "using namespace" directive is used on the current
(or parent) scope
- C++0x features are extensively used to make things more straightforward
- etc.
This version does not yet implement all features from the previous version,
like inherited class members, visitor-based traversals, meta-constructors
and factory generators. These will be added in the near future.
The library has been tested only with gcc (version 4.5.0 20091010) so
I would be glad to hear about experiences with other compilers supporting
C++0x. I would also appreciate any feedback, suggestions or other
best regards,
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk