Boost : |
Subject: [boost] Temporary objects
From: DE (satan66613_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-29 15:42:42
hi all
unfortunately i'm totally out of time now
so i only write my proposal and an example
forgive me for that
the code
#include <algorithm>
template<typename type>
class temporary : public type
temporary() : type() {}
temporary(temporary &a) : type()
using std::swap;
swap(static_cast<type&>(*this), static_cast<type&>(a));
template<typename other>
temporary(const other &a) : type(a) {}
temporary &operator=(temporary &a)
using std::swap;
swap(static_cast<type&>(*this), static_cast<type&>(a));
return *this;
template<typename other>
temporary &operator=(const other &a)
{ type::operator=(a); return *this; }
temporary<huge_type> foo(const huge_type &a)
{//returning temporary object
temporary<huge_type> ret; //or even 'ret(a)'
//doing something...
return ret;
huge_type result;
result = foo(bar); //somewhere in code
only one copy operation -- assignment operator
return by value copying overhead is eliminated with help of swap()
struct my_type
my_type(temporary<my_type> &a) { this->swap(a); }
my_type &operator=(temporary<my_type> &a)
{ this->swap(a); return *this; }
temporary<my_type> process(const my_type &item)
temporary<my_type> ret;
//processing item...
return ret;
my_type result = process(item); //somewhere in code
result = process(item);
no temporary object handling overhead at all
return by value, copy-construct and assign from temporary objects for
thank you for attention
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