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Subject: Re: [boost] Official warnings policy?
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-05 23:08:13


Patrick Horgan wrote:
> Emil Dotchevski wrote:
>> What about companies that *do* use Boost? If we are to prioritize our
>> efforts to provide the best service to them, should we be fixing
>> warnings or improving our testing procedures? Should we be fixing
>> warnings in general or working on tickets?
> I'll help. Fixin' the warnings will help them too. Devote all your
> time to any show-stopper bugs, then when you've shot them, spend a day
> or two to get rid of all of your warnings, then assuming you don't
> have new development to do, if your testing procedures don't do a good
> job of testing, then put 80% of your time into fixing that. It's just
> for awhile and you'll be happy you did. It will probably generate a
> lot of new bugs for you, if not it's not doing it's job. Spend the
> other 20% on fixing bugs starting with the high-priority ones. Do all
> this in crunch mode for a week or two. It's a lot of fun when you're
> done and looking back at it later. When that's done write more code
> cause you'll get bored.

You do realize that we don't have enough man-power to do all of
this in a week or two?

> Of course if you weren't really asking the question and were just
> yanking the guys chain--well it's still good advice;) <grin;>

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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