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Subject: Re: [boost] Help needed in fixing warnings
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-08 13:00:31

Hmmm - at what level are the tests run at? That is if using msvc at
warning level 3 and it comes up "clean" but that doesn't happen
at level 4, it the library "clean".

For gcc - I don't know if there is a concept of warning level
or if there is something analogous. But there certain warnings
can be suppressed, and there is -weff and -pedantic etc.

Exactly what is the hoop we're expected to jump through?

Robert Ramey

John Maddock wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've started a wiki page here:
> for folks to
> collaborate on fixing warnings from Boost libraries.
> As noted the initial effort should be directed towards core libraries
> - those that get included and reused by other libraries.
> You can help by:
> * Running the tests for your favorite libraries (those not already
> listed, or with "unknown" status), and updating their "Status" field to
> reflect whether any work is needed.
> * Filing bug reports if it's not obvious how to silence the warnings.
> * Filing patches if the fixes are obvious.
> * Fixing the code if you're a library author!
> There's something for everyone there, whether you're a Boost newbie,
> or a hardened veteran, so I hope that many hands can make light work
> of this!
> Cheers, John.
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