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Subject: Re: [boost] [explore] Library Proposal: Container Streaming
From: Jeffrey Bosboom (jbosboom_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-30 22:55:30

Jeffrey Faust wrote:
> Jeroen Habraken wrote:
>> This reminds me of the repr() function in Python,
>> Maybe
>> Boost.Represent would make sense as name for the project, as it shows
>> a representation of the data.
> That's a good idea. I like it more than 'explore'. Still, to me it
> sounds like such a big word for something so basic in use. Unless
> you are extending it, there's literally no interface to the library
> other than operator<<.
> So I was thinking some more about a better name. What do you think of
> Boost.Out?

I agree that 'represent' is too vague a word (I don't think it's any
better than 'explore', really).

I like the bluntness of Out, but I expect Out to be more general than
just standard containers. (It makes me think of a library that was
described as "the opposite of Spirit" for output formatting, although
its name is nonobvious enough that I can't recall it.)

How about container_output? It's not as succinct as 'represent' or
'out', but it's a more descriptive of what the library actually is, and
with utility libraries, it's more about making people aware of the
utility than selling them on using it.

--Jeffrey Bosboom

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