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Subject: Re: [boost] Meta State Machine library review starts Monday
From: Christophe Henry (christophe.j.henry_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-12-01 17:29:22

Hi Barend,

> First I thought (intuitively) that the eUML was meant for output, but
> apparently that is not the case, it is an embedded language for defining
> state machines, right

Right. It is at the same time syntactic sugar and a way to concentrate
more information in the transition table. For designers, it is
sometimes helpful to be able to see the whole transition at the same
time and in the same place.

> Is is somehow possible to export an MSM to a Boost.Graph, either within
> the library, or in an example or separate utility headerfile?

Yes it is. A transition table is relatively easy to parse and thus it
should be possible to generate a diagram from a transition table. As
shown at the last BoostCon, I'm working on a tool doing just this, but
a graph export might be a nice and useful addition.


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