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Subject: Re: [boost] [persistent] Persistent library preview
From: Matthias Troyer (troyer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-10 11:03:56

On 7 Jan 2010, at 02:14, Peder Holt wrote:

> 2010/1/5 Stefan Strasser <strasser_at_[hidden]>
>>> A final question:
>>> I have an application that saves analysis results for a given analysis as
>>> an HDF5 file.
>>> This HDF5 file initially contains only input to the analysis. The HDF5
>> file
>>> is then fed to another program which modifies it and stores back results.
>>> 1. Is it possible to to make boost.persistent write its data to an HDF5
>>> file?
>> although theoretically possible (see "Extending Boost.Persistent") I don't
>> think I would advise to do so. that'd be like you decided you wanted to use
>> MySQL to process some data, but instead of exporting the data when you're
>> done you decide to write a MySQL storage backend that can write to your
>> file
>> format.
> Ok. I won't go down this path then :)

I actually would have exactly the same need, so maybe we can discuss whether this might not be still be feasible, once the library is finished.


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