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Subject: Re: [boost] [Boost.utility]
From: GMan (gmannickg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-01-26 14:34:27

Stewart, Robert wrote:
> More than one instance can lead to unwanted contention, failed
synchronization, resource overallocation, etc. If one assumes a single
instance, those things are easier to manage.

I still disagree with this. Just, don't type "some_expensive_resource r;".
The programmer should be using a global access point. But even if we don't
get past that:

It doesn't require we have a singleton class. Imagine the global class I
proposed existed. Just take your class and intrude it yourself, making it a
singleton. Ta-da!

Singleton -> Always intrusive
Global -> Not always instruive , can be

I think it's clear which is generally more useful.

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