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Subject: Re: [boost] Cooperative Multi-Tasking
From: Oliver Kowalke (k-oli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-04 14:57:58

Daniel Larimer schrieb:

> Looking over the documentation it does seem to do a lot of the same things. I noticed that Mac OS X support has not been tested, perhaps I can do that.
> How does fiber compare to Boost.coroutine in terms of context-switching performance? It seems clear that fiber is a much higher level and with boost::task most of what I have described has been done, in theory.
> Is there some central repository of "reviews" or must I scan the forum logs?

Unfortunately I've no access to Mac OS -s o it wouldn't currently
compile on Mac OS. I didn't test the preformance because I replace the
current implementation of context switch (ucontext_t on UNIX and WIN 32
Fiber API) with assembler. If this is finished it should work much
faster because it preserves only the required registers and does not
save the signal mask (which involves an system call). By this way I can
provide an implementatio nfor Mac OS too.
I've an git repo which contains the boost-1.42 with additional libs -
boost.atomic, boost.move, boost.fiber and boost.task. It is available


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