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Subject: Re: [boost] [utility/swap] MSVC 10 test failure, unsigned long to std::bitset conversion invalid?
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-08 11:56:00
Niels Dekker wrote:
> Robert Stewart wrote:
> > I agree that your test isn't about initialization, but I'd have
> > thought the better thing would be to conditionally compile MSVC 10
> > initialization logic to avoid breaking any other working platform.
> Thanks Robert. But I'm not /entirely/ sure if the compile
> errors in the the
> test code are a true *bug* in the MSVC 10 release candidate.
> You see, the test code said:
> typedef std::bitset<8> bitset_type;
> const bitset_type initial_value1 = 1ul;
> const bitset_type initial_value2 = 2ul;
> And C++0x no longer offers a bitset(unsigned long)
> constructor, according to
> the Working Draft at
> http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/sc22/WG21/docs/papers/2010/n3035.pdf
I can see that being an issue if the tests are compiled with C++0x features enabled. Otherwise, MSVC 10 is wrong.
> I think I understand your point of view. But personally I'd
> rather have all
> platforms compiling the same code, instead of having
> platform-specific #ifdef's. Of course there are situations
> when platform-specific #ifdef's
> are necessary, but I'd rather avoid them.
I can certainly appreciate that.
> Anyway, do you think the lines of code I committed yesterday
> are at least *supposed* to work on all platforms?
> typedef std::bitset<8> bitset_type;
> const bitset_type initial_value1 = 1;
> const bitset_type initial_value2 = 2;
For C++0x, the ints will be promoted to unsigned long long. For C++98/03, they will be promoted to unsigned long. Therefore, using int is appropriate for implementations that exactly match the standards.
I understand that MSVC introduced an int overload for some reason. Assuming that overload behaves as expected, then it will be an exact match and should also provide the desired result.
> Otherwise, if there is really no platform-independent way to
> initialize a std::bitset by means of an integer type of
> argument, I think I'd rather go for string literals:
> typedef std::bitset<8> bitset_type;
> const bitset_type initial_value1("01");
> const bitset_type initial_value2("10");
That would be silly, but it would work. How about default constructing and then setting the bits you want?
Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer, Core Software using std::disclaimer;
Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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