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Subject: Re: [boost] [xint] Third release is ready, requesting preliminary review
From: Scott McMurray ([hidden])
Date: 2010-05-02 13:36:08

On 2 May 2010 13:22, Chad Nelson <chad.thecomfychair_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> It *would* simplify things greatly for me. I'm just concerned that it
> might make things more difficult for someone who just wants to use the
> library for a quick one-off test. My goal is, as much as possible, to
> stay out of the way of the person using the library -- for that, having
> a default "good enough" random generator is pretty much a necessity.

How about, then, you just provide a
boost::xint::default_random_generator type (or typedef)? Users can
then create a global instance for their simple testing needs. In my
experience I usually end up wrapping the generator for the specific
use anyways, so the code difference is tiny.

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