Boost : |
Subject: [boost] Bug sprint daily update for Tuesday, June 8th
From: Marshall Clow (mclow.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-08 12:13:04
As of 0800 Pacific time today, we had 938 open trac tickets.
That is down by 20 from yesterday, and 51 since the start of the bug sprint.
Total ticket counts:
Saturday 989
Sunday 988
Monday 958
Tuesday 938
Great work, everyone!
Activity summary for yesterday:
New tickets: 4
Modified: 31
Closed: 27
Reopened: 2
Today, rather than the summary totals for yesterday, I have deltas; changes in the totals.
If you'ld like to see the totals, they are available online at:
Open ticket count by owner: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/report/18
Open ticket count by component: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/report/19
Open ticket count by type https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/report/20 (Overwhelmingly, these are 'bugs')
Open ticket count by milestone: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/report/21
(All changes are since the start of the bug sprint; 0800 PDT Saturday June 5th)
Changed totals by library:
None -17
thread -16
website -10
units -3
Building Boost -2
random -2
GIL -1
Regression Testing -1
asio -1
date_time -1
filesystem -1
function -1
fusion -1
iterator -1
lexical_cast -1
mpi -1
mpl -1
regex -1
spirit -1
circular_buffer 1
foreach 1
program_options 1
serialization 1
utility 1
Documentation 2
graph 2
build 4
Changed totals by author:
<none> -20
anthonyw -15
grafik -9
dave -2
dgregor -2
matthiasschabel -2
agurtovoy -1
az_sw_dude -1
bemandawes -1
bschaeling -1
chris_kohlhoff -1
danieljames -1
djowel -1
dlwalker -1
hkaiser -1
hljin -1
johnmaddock -1
nasonov -1
no-maintainer -1
speedsnail -1
steven_watanabe -1
danielw 1
eric_niebler 1
jano_gaspar 1
matias 1
ramey 1
witt 1
asutton 2
vladimir_prus 7
Changed totals by category:
Bugs -37
Feature Requests -7
Patches -3
Tasks -3
-- Marshall
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk