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Subject: Re: [boost] [BGL] Stoer–Wagner min-cut algorithm
From: Daniel Trebbien (dtrebbien_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-12 12:33:52

> Also, is parse_noigen.hpp something that should be in boost/graph rather than the test directory? Or is it specific to your algorithm?

I wrote `parse_noigen` to have a quick and easy way to read the prgen
output, but I feel that it is not generic or clean enough for use in
non-test code.

> Actually, your graphs appear to be in DIMACS format
> (<URL:>, see general-info/specs.tex
> in there for the file format). BGL already has a reader for some variant
> of that format, and it appears to handle "a" lines; could you please try
> to use/update that for your tests?

Sure. I'll take a look.

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