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Subject: Re: [boost] member function traits (was: Concept Traits Library)
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-13 07:16:43

> and especially related to the function_traits of the type_traits library.
> Is there any interest in class member function introspection?

It's been asked for before but I haven't got around to it:

I think a separate traits class for extracting the member type from a
pointer to member is the best solution here, lets say it's called
"remove_member_pointer" (finding a good name is the main stumbling block
really), then you could use:

remove_member_pointer<member_function_type>::type>::arity etc

The advantage is that remove_member_pointer is a pretty simple trait, useful
in it's own right, and then we don't need to mess with function_traits.

BTW the problem with extending function_traits is that it operates on
function-types, and not on pointers or references to functions, but there is
no such type as a "member function", only a pointer to one, so we would end
up with different behaviors for member functions and regular ones.

Hope that makes sense, John.

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