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Subject: Re: [boost] Phoenix3 port to proto complete
From: Sohail Somani (sohail_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-23 14:38:08

On 10-07-23 11:32 AM, Eric Niebler wrote:
> In contrast, the expressions created by Boost.Phoenix3 will the Proto
> expressions. If Phoenix3 is the compiler of a C++-in-C++ domain specific
> language, then the Proto expression is the intermediate form. It will be
> documented and part of the Phoenix3 API. The grammar for valid Phoenix3
> expressions will also be documented and extensible. For the first time,
> we will have a way to generate C++-like expression trees, just like the
> C++ compiler itself does. We have a standard way (Proto) to traverse and
> manipulate them. Sure, you can just evaluate them as you could before,
> but now you can do much more.

I'd just like to echo that this functionality is awesome. Heck, I
already have two past use cases in mind, let alone what is now possible.
Maybe if we hobble along doing this kind of research and practical work
enough, C++ will get real meta-programming in 20-something. Although the
monomorphic lambdas in C++0x do dampen the enthusiasm a bit...

My heartfelt thanks to all Boost library authors, in particular from
Boost.Bind to the Proto rewrite. Your work makes the life of thousands
of programmers better and keeps C++ interesting and useful.

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