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Subject: Re: [boost] [GIL] color convert and color tranfer characteristics
From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-08-09 13:13:36
On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Fabien Castan
<fcastan_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Interesting! I would be interested in those implementation for the
>> toolbox extension. Let me know if you're interested submitting. I can
>> help out when needed.
> yes sure.
>> I'm not sure I follow here. Small code sample possible?
> You can see the code, it's just the beginning...:
> http://github.com/nrondaud/TuttleOFX/blob/master/plugins/image/process/color/ColorDistribution/src/ColorDistributionProcess.tcc
> You can also see:
> * some utilities on gil we use (some are only a copy of standard functions
> adding a progress structure to get progress informations) and others needs a
> big clean:
> http://github.com/nrondaud/TuttleOFX/tree/master/libraries/tuttle/src/tuttle/plugin/image/gil/
> * a copy of boost_gil_extensions with some modifications, in progress too:
> http://github.com/nrondaud/TuttleOFX/tree/master/3rdParty/boost_gil_extensions/boost/gil/
Nice. Let me know if you need help.
>> Right now color_convert doesn't supply passing the rgb_to_luminance
>> algorithm. But I 'm not sure if that's needed for your case. When you
>> use the algorithm copy_and_convert_pixels algorithm you pass as the
>> third parameter the color converter. In your case just define your own
>> color converter.
> Yes, but inside a templated function using abstract colors it's not always
> easy to do.
Not sure what you mean. Sorry.
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