Boost : |
Subject: [boost] [utility] declval addition? [type_traits] add_rvalue_reference addition?
From: vicente.botet (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-08-14 09:42:54
I was wondering if we can add the declval utility function template to the Boost.Utility library
20.3.4 Function template declval [declval]
1 The library provides the function template declval to simplify the definition of expressions which occur as
unevaluated operands (Clause 5).
template <class T>
typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept; // as unevaluated operand
2 Remarks: If this function is used (as defined by (3.2)), the program is ill-formed.
3 Remarks: The template parameter T of declval may be an incomplete type.
[ Example:
template <class To, class From>
decltype(static_cast<To>(declval<From>())) convert(From&&);
declares a function template convert which only participats in overloading if the type From can be
explicitly converted to type To. For another example see class template common_type ( -end
example ]
BTW, add_rvalue_reference is not available on Boost.TypeTraits, add_rvalue_reference_layer. Any problem to add it?
Vicente Juan Botet Escribá
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