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Subject: Re: [boost] Scalpel: a Spirit&Wave-powered C++ source code analysis library
From: Gottlob Frege (gottlobfrege_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-09-07 23:07:10

> The right answer often depends on how you're using the parser. As a
> compiler, Clang stops parsing after a missing #include, because
> there's rarely any point in continuing the parse. When performing
> syntax highlighting or code completion, you want results even though
> the source is never actually going to compile.
>  - Doug

I want my "compiler" "compiling" in the background of my IDE at all
times, as I type. I want undefined identifiers (or thing that appear
to be indentifiers) to be colored red (or whatever) until I fix them
up. etc. As helpful as possible without being annoying (ie no
dialogs pop up or anything like that).

Once my code will actually pass a compile, I want it to already have. :-)


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