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Subject: Re: [boost] [graph_parallel] Is a distributed directed edge list possible?
From: Jeremiah Willcock (jewillco_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-05 13:35:59

On Mon, 3 Jan 2011, caustik wrote:

> Is it currently possible to represent a highly connected graph where any
> given vertex may contain more directed edges than can be held in a single
> process' OutEdgeListS?
> I see that the distributed version of adjacency_list allows vertices to be
> distributed across multiple processes in a process group, but I don't see
> the ability to allow directed edges to be distributed across multiple
> processes. Is this an intentional limitation?

No, it is not possible. PBGL currently distributes graph vertices (a
so-called 1-D distribution) and keeps each edge with its source vertex.
To do what you are describing, we would need to implement 2-D (edge-based)
distributions, which do not fit into the current PBGL design. What do you
need to do with the graphs? Combinatorial BLAS
( supports 2-D
distributions and might be useful for you to try instead of PBGL.

-- Jeremiah Willcock

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