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Subject: Re: [boost] Improving review process
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-13 08:57:57

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Recently, there were various comments about current review
> process, and its possible improvements. However, I wanted to
> start with a small point.
> Looking at:
> it seems that a few libraries have a review manager assigned,
> but there's no date. This means that:
> - It looks like our review schedule is full, because the item
> is there, and
> - It prevents anybody to volunteer as review manager for such
> library.

If there's a review manager assigned, then there's no need for another volunteer. If the review manager is the bottleneck, the library author is free to solicit another.

> I think there might be several reasons why a library does not
> have a review date:
> - The library is not actually ready. In that case, it should
> not be in that table at all.


> - The library author does not have the time for review. In
> that case, the library should also be removed from the list,
> because Boost is not responsible if the author is busy.

I'm not certain I agree. The name of the first table on that page is "SCHEDULE," yet only one library in it has a date. It is reasonable to manage two tables, one for scheduled and one for not-yet-scheduled libraries. That would retain the information currently shown in the "SCHEDULE" table while not implying that such libraries are scheduled.

> - The review manager does not have the time for review. In
> that case, he should not be listed as assigned, and should not
> block others.

I can almost agree with that. Perhaps the review manager could be flagged as "tentative" rather than removing the name altogether. Perhaps there should be several tables: scheduled, review manager needed, not yet scheduled. If a person is willing to be a review manager, but currently doesn't have time for a review, that library could be put in the "review manager needed" table which can include a "tentative review manager" column listing the current volunteer.

> Can we set a policy that:
> - A library can only be added in the review schedule if the
> author has time in near future to have a review, where near
> future is, say, 3 months.

I would agree to that if there was also a not-yet-scheduled table to which such libraries can be moved.

> - A review manager is only assigned if a review date is set
> at the same time, where the date should be in near future --
> say, 3 months again.

I disagree. A review manager should be assigned, even if marked tentative, as soon as a commitment has been made. It looks far better for a potential library that there is someone interested in promoting the library and its review.

Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer, Core Software using std::disclaimer;
Susquehanna International Group, LLP

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