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Subject: Re: [boost] [General] Always treat std::strings as UTF-8
From: Matus Chochlik (chochlik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-19 08:23:25

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Chad Nelson
<chad.thecomfychair_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 10:26:05 +0100
> Matus Chochlik <chochlik_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> But those four are not the only widespread encoding schemes, what
>> about KOI8, CPXYZ, etc.
> There wouldn't be any need for special string types for them. They
> would be represented by native_t if the system is set to use them, and
> std::string types would just be assumed to be coded in that form.

Yes, My point was that there is no need to create ascii_string, jis_string
and ebcdc_string in the first place but to handle the conversion during
the initialization of the-one-and-only-string-type-we-decide-to-use. :)

>>> In any case, one could state with Just utf8_string and ansi_string
>>> (should be simple), put it into boost and see how many people use
>>> it.  If it's truely an improvement, usage of std:string would
>>> atrophy to the point of being irrelevent.  If there are still
>>> reasons for using std::string directly, then it wouldn't, but no
>>> harm would be done. This has all the upside and none of the downside.
>>> If this were made,
>> One of the downsides is that C++ would be abandoning a nice name
>> 'string' to ugly 'utf8_t' or whatever.
> Believe it or not, you'd get used to it. :-) I thought wchar_t was the
> height of ugliness when I first saw it, but it seems perfectly
> acceptable now, even attractively descriptive.

Yes, probably I would. But try to imagine that you are a novice
who decides which language to learn. Would you pick a language
that has 3 (provided the utf8_t becomes standard) standard string
related classes not to mention all those dozens of classes
implemented by various libraries ?



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