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Subject: Re: [boost] [spirit.phoenix] Phoenix test coverage
From: Jim Bell (Jim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-07 22:50:35

On 1:59 PM, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>>> On 1:59 PM, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>>>> Tests for Phoenix V2 are not run at all, IIUC. This will change only
>>>> when/if Phoenix V3 has been moved to trunk after its mini-review. The
>>>> tests you're referring to are Spirit specific tests using Phoenix
>>>> features.
>>> Looking at what's already released, libs/spirit/phoenix/test, I see
>>> what looks like a full suite of tests, and when I run bjam on them I
>>> get 45 tests passed (on MinGW gcc-4.4/win-32) and one failure.
>>> So the full compliment of tests is there and likely known to work on a
>>> couple platforms, just not run by the regression mechanism.
>>> [...]
>> We know about this bug and it is quite embarrassing ... It is actually a
>> bug in the testcase itself :) I will take care of it ASAP.

Your vindication far outweighs this little embarrassment: your tests are
there, seem comprehensive, and pass. I'd love to see them be part of the
regular regression run, but I've seen enough to have confidence in it.

> I just committed a patch sent by Thomas, which should fix the issue.

Excellent. Thanks.

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