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Subject: Re: [boost] [Git] Moving beyond arm waving?
From: Christopher Jefferson (chris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-08 16:55:36

On 8 Feb 2011, at 19:17, Dave Abrahams wrote:

> At Mon, 07 Feb 2011 20:30:54 -0600,
> Rene Rivera wrote:
>> On 2/7/2011 7:57 PM, Dave Abrahams wrote:
>>> At Mon, 07 Feb 2011 09:53:52 -0600,
>>> Rene Rivera wrote:
>>>>> What about a library developer? What does the tree structure they work
>>>>> with look like? How does integrate with their development repo? I
>>>>> guess the non-version controlled tree produced by the above could be
>>>>> used as a "complete (integrated) release tree", but I'd like to know
>>>>> the specifics, and give them a try.
>>>> I would also like to know:
>>>> 1. How does that non-versioned complete integrated tree work as regards to
>>>> updates/pulls?
>>> Today, you call GenHeaders explicitly, but if you check out Marcus' work you
>>> don't have to.
>> I tried finding where & how Marcus did what you say, by going to the github link
>> you give in the other response.. But I don't see what there you are referring
>> to.
> I've asked him to follow up here with details, but I believe it's in the commits
> from 2011-01-19 at
>>>> 2. What does it mean for testing? Specifically, complete incremental testing?
>>> Nothing? What, specifically, are you worried about?
>> OK.. How would we run the existing testing
> Hmm, "existing testing" is a little vague, but...
>> in incremental mode with a "forwarding headers tree plus separate sources"?
>> What would testers need to rely on? Cmake? Python? Ryppl? Ctest? SSH? Git?
>> FTP? HTTP? HTTPS? Git protocol?
> Here's where I think we'll end up:
> - testers need to set up and register a buildbot buildslave. I believe we can
> make that relatively trivial for people
> - that would imply a reliance on, at a minimum:
> - Python
> - A net connection

The current test requires these, and then requires running a python script. The current system can be built using the base system on both linux and mac, and that is very useful.

If the new system required must more than that doing by hand, or required installing things as root, I would find it hard to continue providing testing. While I have CPU power to hand, I don't have that much time, and run tests on systems where I do not have root access.

Some dependancies, such as cmake and git are possible to justify. Installing buildbot or twisted or dulwich(?) as root is much less likely


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