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Subject: Re: [boost] Subject: Formal Review of Proposed Boost.Process library starts tomorrow
From: Oliver Kowalke (k-oli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-10 10:57:14
Am 10.02.2011 15:03, schrieb Artyom:
> Probably it would be ok to provide some parameter
> on how to wait asynchronously:
> typedef enum {
> wait_default, // using thread+waitpid per-process on POSIX OS
> wait_using_sigaction, // install signal handler
> wait_using_sigwaitinfo, // install signal handler
> wait_polling, // poll all waiting pids for end, when
> // requested - for example by user's signal
> // handler
> } wait_method_type;
> void async_wait(pid ,method_type m = wait_default)
> #ifdef BOOST_POSIX
> void poll_handlers(); // check if child completed
> // called by user when receives sigchld
> endif
what about this solution (without error handling) on POSIX in one
special worker-thread:
sigset_t set;
sigemptyset( & set),
sigaddset( & set, SIGCHLD); // SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, & set, ...);
int signo( 0);
sigwait( set, & signo);
switch ( signo)
while (true)
int status( 0);
pid_t child = waitpid(
if ( -1 == child && ECHILD != child)
throw runtime_error("waitpid() failed");
// select data/callabck associated with child
// from internal storage
case: ...
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