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Subject: Re: [boost] Phoenix v3 review
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-25 08:04:52

On 25/02/2011 13:31, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
> Phoenix doesn't really help with things like
> phoenix::if_(1)[some_expr_in_my_own_domain]

To be more explicit,

     b = c + d

fails to compile if a, b, c and d are all Proto terminals of a
placeholder type (i.e. a type that doesn't itself have an operator+ and
is not convertible to bool), because it tries to evaluate "a" and "b = c
+ d" with the default transform.

It would be nice if it had the same effect as

     evaluate<domain_of<decltype(b = c + d)>::type>(b = c + d);

i.e. whenever Phoenix encounters an expression not within the Phoenix
domain, I would like if it called an evaluation function specific to
that domain.

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