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Subject: [boost] Phoenix 3 Review
From: Joel Falcou (joel.falcou_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-02 11:56:00
So here is my short review on phoenix 3.
I wont comment on the quality of the code and the implementation as I
followed Thomas durign his GSoC.
On an user perspective, i'll place myself on the "advacned user" plate.
i see Phoenix as a great to enable lazy evalaution in a large number of
situation. its integration in proto is now making it a nice boilerplate
code for more advanced libraries. I've played with test adn examples and
found them to be good.
My overall opinion is that YES, this version of Phoenix fulfills the
requirements of th eprevious review adn thomas addressed them in quite
an efficient way.
Now, as an advanced nitpicker ;) i have a small set of request:
- the doc need more examples of proto interoperability either in use
cases or in various extension points. IIRC there was sone phoenix-> C
cod ein a string example that was never finished, it coudl be good if
this could be fleshed out. multistage programming is a Nice technique
that need promotion and exposure. Phoenix seems to be perfect for that.
- Could the various compile time / runtime performances tests be
itnegrated in the doc if they are a/ done and b/ give some insight. If
needed i can run some on non-trivial architecture/compiler and report
So, I very welcome the addition of Phoenix 3 as a full citizen of boost.
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